The School of Architecture has a Quality Assurance System (QAS) that stems from the ANECA AUDIT project. Within the QAS, various procedures are established, requiring the design of a Tutorial Action Plan and Student Guidance (PATOE). According to Key Procedure PCC03, the School of Architecture at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) defines, reviews, and improves actions related to student guidance to ensure they achieve the maximum benefit from their learning. The guidance activities include, at minimum, welcome activities, tutoring, training support, and career guidance for its students. The Tutorial Action Plan and Student Guidance (PATOE) at the School of Architecture (EA) is structured into the following four programs:

  1. New Student Welcome Program (PAENI).
  2. Academic Guidance Program (POA).
  3. Psychopedagogical Guidance Program (POP)
  4. Career Guidance Program (POL)